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Taking Launch Pad Online

Sunday, January 15th, 2017

2017 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop for Writers (hard to believe it’s been that long!). We’re thrilled to be still at it after all of these years, but we also know there’s a huge list of unmet needs. Here’s some of the questions we are typically asked:

Why aren’t there more workshops throughout the year?

Why can’t you take more students?

I took the workshop once. Can I come back to learn more about X?

The answer to all of those questions is we’d love to but we can’t because time, money, and logistics.

So we decided to do something about it in 2017. We’re still going to have a workshop (more on that to be announced soon), but we’re also going to create an online course! Obviously, such an online course is a large undertaking, so before we dive in we want to know what you would benefit the most from as a writer.

That’s why we created a public board in Trello. In this board, we outline all of the topics we typically discuss in the workshops. We’d like to ask you to take a look at these topics, vote and comment to let us know which ones would bring the most value to you. Be sure to check out our read this first card in Trello. It outlines what we’re trying to do and what we’d like to ask you to do.

Also please feel free to comment and let us know why you’d like to see the card’s topic included in the course. That will help us to understand the problems you’re trying to solve.

Thanks, and happy voting!

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July 1-7, 2024
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University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
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